"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
- Albert Einstein
We know all families are uniquely different; with children without children, long relationships, short relationships, same-sex and varying financial positions. So, we listen very carefully to understand what it is that you need.
We have a wealth of experience and knowledge to support you to have the conversations that you need to move forward. We will guide you through each stage of:
Discussing and documenting parenting plans
Establishing healthy and effective co-parenting relationships
Collating and verifying financial information
Developing future household budgets
Discussing financial settlement options
Deciding on financial outcomes
Generating financial reports
To protect your children.
We want to understand who your children are and what they need. We talk with you about how to best support your children, thinking about their immediate and long term needs. We discuss and document a parenting plan that ensures, their developmental and emotional needs and their ongoing relationships with both parents.
To preserve your relationships.
The breakdown of a relationship is an emotional and often overwhelming time. There can be conflicting needs and it can be hard to see the forest for the trees! Our goal is to support you to have respectful conversations related to your future needs, both financial and family. We provide you with communication strategies that ensure you can mange discussions with integrity now and in the future.
To preserve and restructure your finances.
We help you to unravel your finances, review them and restructure them for your individual futures. A lot of money can be spent on the process of separation and divorce. We focus on providing you with a process that is thorough, efficient and cost effective.
To enable you to see your future.
By the end of the process you will have a clear understanding of both your future financial needs and your children’s financial needs. This understanding enables you to confidently manage your future finances.
Psychologist, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Mediator in Family Separation
Financial Specialist and Mediator in Family Separation
Danielle has a Masters in Psychology and a Masters in Conflict Resolution. She is an accredited Mediator, accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and trained Collaborative Professional.
The breakdown of a relationship is stressful, it can be overwhelming and it can lead you to feel lost. Clients often say, “I’ve never been here before.. I don’t know what to do”.
Danielle will support you to have discussions about your personal future needs, the future needs of your children and their care. With her expertise in psychology and mediation she will help you to clarify what is important to you and your children, communicate respectfully and solve problems together. Her goal is to ensure that you don’t just “get through separation”, instead you have worked towards outcomes where your children, you and your family thrive.
Julie Gray is a financial adviser, tax practitioner, accredited mediator and collaborative professional.
Financial awareness of joint assets and debt can often be overwhelming especially during the time of separation. Understanding your joint financial position is vital as this will allow you make important financial decisions with confidence.
Julie will work with you to ensure all financial data is gathered, recorded, and verified. She will work with each of you individually to ensure a clear understanding of the financial position is evident before moving to the next stage of negotiation.
The development and structure of future household cashflow and budgets are vital, as this confirms each is positioned to feel confident with their month to month surplus.
On-going children’s expenses are carefully reviewed. Parent financial responsibility and support is discussed to make certain that the children’s needs including their continued development remains of paramount importance.
Financial option development is a fully involved and intricate part of the process as this will demonstrate various possibilities for you both to consider and discuss as you move towards agreement.