Financial Specialist and Mediator in Family Separation
Julie Gray is a financial adviser, tax practitioner, accredited mediator and collaborative professional.
Financial awareness of joint assets and debt can often be overwhelming especially during the time of separation. Understanding your joint financial position is vital as this will allow you make important financial decisions with confidence.
Julie will work with you to ensure all financial data is gathered, recorded, and verified. She will work with each of you individually to ensure a clear understanding of the financial position is evident before moving to the next stage of negotiation.
The development and structure of future household cashflow and budgets to confirm both are positioned to demonstrate a month to month surplus.
On-going children’s expenses are carefully reviewed. Parent financial responsibility and support is discussed to make certain that the children’s needs including their continued development remains of paramount importance.
Financial option development is a fully involved and intricate part of the process as this will demonstrate various possibilities for you both to consider and discuss as you move towards agreement.